Upon his return, he embarked on a first mission of becoming the leader of the area's criminal underworld. San Andreas begins with CJ returning to his hometown, fictional San Andreas, for his mother's funeral. While it wasn't playable in the official game release, the modding community discovered a hidden code that, when enabled, allowed protagonist Carl 'CJ' Johnson to engage in a series of exciting activities with his in-game girlfriend.
'Hot Coffee' is the unofficial title of a mini-game in the 2004 Rockstar Games action-adventure video game Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. Players can do whatever they want in the game! PlayMods also has a hot coffee for players! How to Download GTA Mod APK Hot Coffee ModĬlick on the link to download: GTA Grand Theft Auto San Andreas Mod Apk Download What is GTA Hot Coffee Mod
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Mod Apk Download is a Role Playing Game.